The little journo that could

I'm still not really sure what's going on but look, I'm typing with my eyes closed.

Tag Archives: fast food


Earlier today I’m just sitting at McDonald’s enjoying a BLT bagel when suddenly: 

IMAG0228zoommoreHey Ronald . . .


When I finished high school I worked at Burger King over the summer holidays before heading off to Hamilton to do my journalism degree.

It wasn’t a bad job, pretty stressful the majority of the time, but it was okay.

There’s one moment while I was working there that stuck out to me. I got rostered on for a 10 hour shift starting at seven am on New Year’s Day (yeah, joy), and it was ridiculously busy.

I was working at the front counter, and a gigantic wave of customers had just passed. I was tired, stressed, and a little under the weather, so I probably looked it too.

A man came walking up to the counter, I thought he was going to order something. Instead, he looked me in the eyes, said “You’re doing a great job,” and then walked out.

It’s the little things you remember, and it’s the little things that make a difference.