The little journo that could

I'm still not really sure what's going on but look, I'm typing with my eyes closed.

Getting ahead of myself

It’s been awhile. I know. I have been sorely neglecting my poor blog because 1. there’s a decided lack of things I feel like blogging about, 2. I have a lot less time in my day than I used to, and 3. I’m lazy.

Something just struck me though.

Life is changing, rapidly. I have a full-time job and all the ups and downs that come with it, and the people I used to know are spreading out across the country although for the most part not much further than a 100km radius from Hamilton.

What hit me is seeing people doing the things that I wish I was doing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m very happy where I am and I’m hugely grateful for the job I have and the career I’m beginning to build, but it’s still a little hard seeing people following my dreams.

I want to be a broadcaster, I’ve known that pretty much since I decided I wanted to be a journalist. As a child I wanted to be an actor, and in a way it’s not such a huge leap, you can see how wanting to act and wanting to anchor the six o’clock news could appeal in a similar way.

A friend of mine from class who, to be honest, I haven’t spoken to very much since leaving tech (but then I’m already out of touch with most of them), got a job at TV3, which is one of the places I want to end up.

Another person I know got a job there too, although we didn’t study together and I don’t know her particularly well. It’s still a case of seeing everyone but me getting a job in television.

I had to stop and give myself a little pep talk: Yes, others are getting the jobs you see yourself in, but this is not the right time for you.

I’d already decided before finishing studying that I should start out in print and stay there for a decent amount of time before (hopefully) diving into broadcasting however I can manage it. Just because other people are getting there before me doesn’t mean anything – it’s not as if I was applying for them. I just had to take a moment to remind myself that I am exactly where I need to be right now. I am following the path I need to take, and I don’t have to rush it.

It’s hard, sometimes, to go where life takes you when you have your sights set on the bigger picture. I think it might be time to start focusing on where I am at the moment and worry about the big stuff later.

On that note, my Sam has finally moved to Wanganui, and for the first time in three years we are living no more than ten minutes apart.

What a breath of fresh air.

One response to “Getting ahead of myself

  1. Ian Wishart March 6, 2014 at 4:03 am

    Stay calm, my child. Everything the light touches shall eventually be your kingdom. So many bright young things end up in TV as here today, gone tomorrow. It is not a great place to become a great journalist. In fact TV is often where good journalists go to die. Make the most of what you have now and the chance to cut your teeth on a newspaper that allows you to cover a wide range of stories. When you have more experience, considerably more experience, other opportunities may arise.
    Do not run before you learn to walk, or the tripping could be problematic.

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