The little journo that could

I'm still not really sure what's going on but look, I'm typing with my eyes closed.

Tag Archives: fort

Kitten of mass destruction

My flatmate is away until tomorrow morning, and my boyfriend went back to Tauranga yesterday, so I’m feeling a little bit lonely at the moment. Sure, I have the kitten, but I go through fazes of either loving him or hating him, and he doesn’t really provide any good conversation, so while he helps a little with the loneliness, he doesn’t banish it by any means. DSCF2007

After watching an episode of Community in which they construct a gigantic blanket fort, I was inspired to build my own in an effort to ward off the boredom brought on by being all by myself. It also gave me something to do that didn’t involve lying in bed on my laptop.

The kitten, of course, as all kittens do, decided that his task of the day must be total destruction of my masterpiece, so a scarce two minutes after I had crawled into the finished product, the roof collapsed in on me.

DSCF2017I should have known better than to try.